'Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit'. - Matthew 28:19
Northcross Church has always had a heart for International Missions. We have a deep desire to be involved in God's work across the world, bringing Jesus Christ's message of hope and salvation to many countries and nations.
God calls all of us into His work to save the lost, this will look different for each of us. Some may be called to go to another country, some are called to support those who go prayerfully and financially, some are called to equip and teach people about God's heart for mission. At Northcross we offer opportunities for each of these areas.
What missionary work does Northcross support?
As a church we want to take part in God's worldwide mission. Various people from our church congregation have been called to mission work of different kinds, we have also established relationships with different mission organisations and churches around the world. Please join with us in supporting through prayer (and other means) these missionary workers.
How can I get involved?
We would love to hear from you if you are planning to get involved in local or overseas mission, even through an outside organisation unconnected to Northcross. As a church we would love to be able to come alongside you. Please get in touch with us at missions@northcross.org.nz if you have any further queries.

David & Meike Buetow
OJC Germany

Ashley & Gillian Crampton


Bianca & Shaan Yen
Student Life

Pastor Ngadiman & Suyati

Andrew & Margaret Marriott
Missionary Ventures

Carl & Kathy Most

Stephen & Raewyn Pattemore
Bible Society NZ