Prayer Gathering: Focus on the Cross
May 3, 2021 7:00 pm | The Pad, Northcross Church
The cross continually reminds us of the ‘Good News’ that Jesus has done it all through his death and resurrection.
God tells us that all who take in the Gospel message and believe in Jesus Christ will have eternal life. They will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit who will dwell in them, and will guide them in all truth, and from their hearts will flow the rivers of living water to all with an open heart to receive and believe.
His will for us in Jesus is to always rejoice, constantly pray, and in everything, give thanks.
Let’s gather then on Monday at 7PM and pray (we’ll be downstairs in the Pad).
Pray that God will use our transformed hearts to bless both believers and unbelievers with streams of living water, for our church, our community and families, and our missions and evangelism ministries.
Everyone is welcome to pray as they wish: with others, in your own native language, or in silence.
Looking forward to seeing you there!