Christmas In Lights: Prayer Gathering & Working Bee #3
November 28, 2020 8:30am - 1:00pm | Northcross Church
Preparations for “Christmas In Lights” (a drive-through experience with thousands of lights and live characters) are well underway. We know that with an event like this, to see people know and love God more (or even encounter him for the first time) through our display of the Christmas story, we need to come to him in prayer, every step of the way.
So, we’re inviting Northcross, as a church to pray both in our own time, but also corporately together as we seek God’s guidance and provision for this event.
So, if you’re able-bodied, and willing to help put this significant event together in a really practical way with our fantastic team, please come along to the working bee portion! There will be a light morning tea provided and an opportunity to fellowship with others in our church family.
If you aren’t helping out with the working bee, you’re welcome to come and pray with us. We’ll head into the prayer room from 11AM onwards.
If you have any questions, get in touch with Shane at